Lunar Estates is your one-stop shop for the purchase of lunar land and accompanying rights for the use of your land.  Whether you are buying as an investor, a developer, a miner, or a homesteader, we can help you navigate the unique real estate processes and specific issues of space law that are relevant for your purchase.  We offer the largest selection of lands for sale on the lunar globe and have the record to prove it. Feel free to shop around, but when you want to “go down the rabbit hole”, come to Lunar Estates.

Declaration of Principles

  • To provide the people of this planet with a new place to live, a new hope, a new start on another celestial body.
  • To provide them with a fighting and tireless champion of their rights as property owners, and as human beings.
  • To provide legal, documented, certified claims on lunar land along with building permits, mining rights, claims to airspace, solid water, and all other exploitable resources at a one-stop shop: Lunar Estates.


Kalpesh F. Aarti


Lunar Estates

Image Credits:

Phone representative – Stockimages at

Moon map – Image by mapichai at

US Geological Survey

NASA Images

Site Credits:

Special thanks to James Arnall, Elizabeth Hurchalla, Mark Hayward, and Prof. Hayward. No animals were harmed in the creation of this content.  All creative content is copyright Kent Hayward.  Site and webisodes based off of 2003 screenplay. Lunar Estates is not a commercial enterprise and is for entertainment purposes only. Please see FAQs for additional information.

About our CEO

 Kalpesh Aarti studied at MIT and CalTech, and has degrees in Aerospace Engineering and Space Law.  Mr. Aarti has worked as Chief Engineer for the International Space Habitat Authority for seven years, two of which he served as CTO and VP.  He has also served on numerous international boards for space travel and space innovation, and founded the prestigious Center for Celestial Land Use.

A Letter from our CEO, Kalpesh Aarti:

Throughout the ages, Man has gazed at the celestial bodies in the night sky, marveling at their nature and creating elaborate mythologies about them.  As Man has evolved and multiplied, he has populated Earth, covering almost every bit of its surface. Modern Man has in his later years developed rockets, orbiters, landing modules and advanced craft to propel himself from this world and explore the others that he can reach. Why does he reach for the sky? Manifest Destiny. His dream is his destiny. He must go to the Moon and to Mars because he is destined to do so.  What is the next frontier of Man’s expansion, the next greatest land grab? It’s in the night sky. What is the next greatest investment opportunity? Lunar Estates: a real estate brokerage for the Moon.

At Lunar Estates, we encourage you to consider the possibilities: landing strips and way stations for the Moon’s pioneers, science teams, missionaries, miners, surveyors, and countless unforetold future enterprises. Whatever is to come to this landscape, initial investors in Lunar Estates will be the owners of the choicest prime real estate on the entire globe.

According to International Law, the Moon and other celestial bodies are open and available for all people. No nation may take away your claim on lunar property. With the benefit of international law, space law, and human common law, we offer documented, legally certified property and development claims for this finite frontier.

Why I feel passionate about selling land on the Moon: It’s hope, it’s our collective dreams, it’s the unknown, it’s the next frontier. We have lost something in this country: the excitement of undiscovered lands, the next challenge, the next conquest. I read stories as a child of the astronauts who went to the Moon, and as an engineering student, I studied the science behind space travel.  As a CEO, CTO and entrepreneur, I’ve excelled at innovation in space habitats. We can get there again. We want to go back. We’re destined to. But how can we get more people to want to go with us? What if they had something waiting there for them? Something to visit on the frontier. A homestead on the lunar range.


Kalpesh F. Aarti


Lunar Estates