Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can you sell land on the moon?
A: The United Nations created an Outer Space Treaty in 1967 that states that no nation can own a celestial body; that treaty was followed by the Moon Treaty, ratified by 18 nations in 1984. There is a precedent for individual ownership, however. In much the same way that settlers, colonists and explorers from many nations staked claims throughout North America and the Western Frontier, so too can one stake a claim on the Lunar Frontier. In fact, at Lunar Estates, we already have. Our “flag” and partial registry of property listings is already on the lunar surface.
Q: Can I buy ANY piece of land on the moon? Even an Apollo landing site?
A: There are certain cultural heritage sites that have been set aside, such as the Apollo, Luna, Surveyor and other landing sites. There are also some joint international research facilities that lay claim to large acreages in accordance with the Common Heritage of Mankind principle of international law which holds certain lands in trust for the use of all humans. Much like Antarctica or the bottom of the ocean, some of the moon’s surface is not available for development.
Q: Is this real?
A: Are you real? What is reality?
Q: How can I visit my property?
A: Any way you choose. Hitch a ride with any of the twelve spacefaring nations on one of the dozens of planned missions. Get a ticket from one of the many private companies specializing in space travel, such as SpaceX (, Virgin Galactic (, Blue Origin (, Axiom (, International Moon Base Alliance (, Space Nation (, etc.
Q: What should I bring?
A: The need for food, water, air, and power provides a huge opportunity for thrifty packers who want to bring resources. Please see our pamphlet entitled “Your Guide to Living on the Moon.”
Q: Is there work on the moon?
A: Oh, yes! There are many, many things that need doing in young colonies. From building bio-habitats to greenhouse management, from waste-water treatment to exploiting natural resources. Please see our pamphlet “Work on the Moon.”
Q: What are the laws on the moon? Can I do whatever I want with my land?
A: There are no moon sheriffs running around with six-shooters, but there is the rule of law. You must respect the zoning codes in your area and mind the bylaws of your local homeowners’ association. Otherwise, it’s almost the Wild West on the lunar frontier. You can build or mine or do almost anything on your land, with a few exceptions. No military bases, for example (except for the secret government ones), and a portion of all proceeds from research, mining, archaeology, and the like must be shared with the “common heritage” through the joint international regime. There are many legal resources that deal with the specifics of Space Law, including the United Nations. (
Q: Do I need a permit for construction or for mining?
A: Yes. There is a standard procedure dictated by the Permitting Subcommittee of the UN Office of Space Affairs and a few other organizations. Our helpful representatives can assist you with special permitting. You may add a selection of mining rights, building permits, and other claims with your purchase.
Q: Why should I buy from you? Aren’t there a bunch of other moon land realties?
A: There are approximately a dozen other lunar realties. Some are more legitimate than others, so buyer beware. We feel that our record speaks for itself, but if you’d like to explore the others, please do:
Lunar Embassy is the most visible agency, owner Dennis Hope professing that “only Lunar Embassy has the legally filed claim of ownership” – take a look here: Lunar Embassy, there is also The Lunar Registry, Lunar Land, Moon Estates, Buy Mars, Lunar Land Owner, Moon Register, Moon Land Online, Cosmic Registry, Moon Land UK, Lunar Token, Explaso Planets, A. Dean Lindsay, James T. Mangan, Alexander Victor, Jenaro Gajardo Vera, Interplanetary Development Corporation, Lunar Fantasy Corporation, We Own the Sun, Own the Sun, and Martian Estates
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Lunar Embassy “The only Lunar Embassy has the legally filed claim of ownership” – Dennis Hope : | Space travel supplies: Smithsonian Air and Space | Space research: